Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Fresh Start

EDIT:: I was going to retire my other blogs but instead, I've decided to make this my tutorial blog. I thought about how much time and work I put into my other site and I just can't let it go.
So this is where you will be able to find all my tuts for Gimp and PSPx.
I know I've had a few blogs now but I've been trying to get comfortable in where I post everything.
I've tried Blogger under Priscilla Ashley Creations and I've tried Weebly under CakiePotPie Designs.
I couldn't get used to Blogger which is why I switched and I didn't like the name of my old blog either. I like Weebly but there's no way for anyone to follow or even subscribe to my blog and I don't like that so I have decided to come back to Blogger under CakiePotPie Designs and this is where I will stay. 
Phew!!! Lol.
I will make sure to put links to my other blogs here somewhere so you can still get whatever you want from there until I get everything moved over here. Just be sure to follow the TOU.
Thanks for understanding!